Yılmaz Machine Held Traditional Fastbreak Programs!

Yılmaz Machine Family held the annual fastbreak programs organized traditionally this year with the participation of Suppliers, Personnel and Dealers.

Firstly, the 12th Supplier Fastbreak Dinner was held in Ümraniye Branch of Ramadan Bingol on June 8th, 2016. Then, all the team mates gathered in Personnel Fastbreak Dinner at Ümraniye Branch of Ramadan Bingol on June 15, 2016. The last fastbreak program in Ramadan was held with Dealers at Burhaniye Branch of Nakkaş Kebap on June 16th, 2016

Yılmaz Machine, which found opportunity to talk with all the participants in the fastbreak programs, showed once again the warm family atmosphere with Ramadan’s fertility, fraternity and tolerance.

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